If you need some help, online guitar lessons are a good way to supplement a good song list. This list is one that I've put together over the years and will give you plenty to choose from.

If your song library is limited, I’d encourage you to learn a few more tunes.

That’s good news for you if you’re bored with the select few pieces of music you’ve been playing around the campfire for awhile. There’s a lot of great music out there that, when boiled down to simple chord progressions, make for incredibly easy and fun songs to play on guitar. Want to suggest a song? Maybe one I missed? Leave it in the comments section below. The good news is this: On some level, almost all guitar songs are easy. You need variety and a fresh playlist, even for easy guitar songs. The other problem is that even interesting songs get boring after awhile. A lot of the songs I see deemed as "easy" are simple to decipher, but not much fun to play.

Is it really that simple, finding easy songs to play on guitar? Even if it is, what kind of songs are "easy?" None of us want to keep playing the same few pieces of music over and over again, just because they’re easy enough for us to pickup.