When we read about this on the net there is a grandma who has been able to get 30+ books before the 1st crack. At school he was able to get 4- 3inch hard bound dictionaries on top of the egg shells before he heard the 1st crack. He did this with 4 eggs and then evenly spaced them so that they would be near the corners of the book. He emptied the egg and using a pair of scissors trimmed the shell so that it would sit evenly on the table. Hunter gently cracked the egg vertically (not the normal way).

#2- How many books will it take to break 4 empty egg shells? If you threw it across the room it would break. The egg is now rubbery and can bounce similar to a bouncy ball a few inches off the table. #1- What happens to a hard boiled egg that has been sitting in a mason jar full of Vinegar for a week?Īnswer: The vinegar disolves the egg shell and membrane. He did 3 different science projects in front of the class to teach them. This past friday Hunter picked his show and teach to be about eggs. Hunter has been assigned one friday every month to teach his class something. Hunter's 2nd grade class has something called "Show and Teach" not show and tell. I'm just sorry I forgot the camera to capture his moment. Hunter did a great job doing his presentation too. Although it seems there weren't too many questions as the kids repeated the same question over and over or they would make a statement like, "I've shot a gun before or hey I have a dog tag too or even my uncle is in the army too." Uncle Travis did a great job responding to a class full of 7 year olds. After Hunter was done with his presentation the teacher let the kids ask questions. Since his Uncle Travis lives with Grandma too we asked him to dress up in his army fatigue and be present during his presentation. The Hero he picked was his Uncle Travis who served for 18 months in Iraq. He had to compile all of his research and then he made his and mine very 1st power point presentation (aparenlty being 7 and in 2nd grade isn't too young to learn how to do this) to share with his class. He had to pick a hero and then complete the 5 W's (where, what, when, why, who). Over the last 2 weeks Hunter has had 2 different oral assignment too. She did great! My grandma quilted this wall hanging many years ago for one of my brothers when they received their Eagle Award. After many practices at home she read her report very clearly and loud enough for all to hear. I was very impressed with my little girl and her dedication she gave to this report. After a few sentences she tired and I finished typing for her. She wanted to type up our notes that we took. Her and I both sat at the computer and learned a little about the American Bald Eagle.

It didn't turn out as hard as I thought it would be. Thank the heavens for internet and google. She had to pick a National Symbol and give a 2-4 minute oral report. I feel like thats all we've done over the past couple of days. Over the past 10 days both Hunter and Madelyn have had to give an oral report of some kind.